Friday 29 May 2009

Ten Mistakes Women Make When Having Sex With a Man

You see a lot of articles about what men can do during sex to make it better for the woman, but there's a lot less information - and opinion - on the mistakes women make. So, to set the record straight, here's our list of ten things for women to avoid.

1 Expecting him to think like a woman

We've all seen loads of books with titles like "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" which highlight an unfortunate difference between the sexes. Men and women don't think the same way - and while we're not going to get into why this happens, it's important to remember that fact when you're in a relationship. In general, men are not as romantic as women, they don't see romance as a necessary prelude to sex, and they can divorce sex from their feelings in a way that perhaps most women can't. So there will be plenty of times when a man wants sex even if he isn't feeling romantic and connected to his partner.
For him, the physical pleasure of sex is a reward in itself. He doesn't need to be seduced into feeling desire (though he may appreciate it if you do seduce him!), at least most of the time, for his sex drive is a pretty constant part of his maleness. I think that's what women don't understand.

They know how elusive and emotional their own sex drive is, but they don't appreciate how different it is for a man. Think of it this way: men can enjoy sex with their partner whether they are feeling loving or not; in fact they often find their feelings of love for their partner when they have sex with her. By contrast, women often say they need to feel loving before they want sex - or at least before they are prepared to give themselves heart and soul to a man.

2 Not showing your sexual energy

Women who were brought up to be demure "good girls" (i.e. non-sexual) may find it difficult to express the essence of their feminine energy during sex. And a lot of women also have problems expressing their anger, an emotion which can add real spice to the sexual union between men and women. This lack of sexual energy might appear as a reluctance to initiate sex, a reluctance to be the active partner, a reluctance to make noises or thrust, or simply an overall tendency to wait for the man to lead and direct what happens during sex.

But believe me, ladies, your man will really like it when you express your passion - whether that means you getting on top for woman on top sex, moving in a way that will give you the greatest pleasure, kissing him passionately, or being assertive about what you want in bed.

3 Being too gentle when you touch his penis

Men like a firmer touch than women, especially when it comes to their penises. If you ever have the pleasure of watching him masturbate, you'll see how much pressure he uses on his penis - especially as he nears orgasm. If you're doing it for him, ask him to tell you what you're doing right and what he'd like done differently. He'll really appreciate your efforts to give him more pleasure.

4 Not experimenting with sex

The saying has it that men think about sex ten times an hour - or is it a hundred? Yes, of course that's an exaggeration, but it isn't much of one. While some women have a high sexual desire, it's true to say that women in general are much less sexy than men when they're not in the bedroom. Men fantasize all the time - about the things they see, what they'd like to do, how they'd like to do it, and so on. With such an active sexual imagination, it's not hard to understand why a bit of variation in the bedroom routine can keep a man sexually happy.

It doesn't have to be way out stuff like bondage, either. For example, try changing sex positions once in a while: take the initiative and get on top of him or let him enjoy rear entry for a change. Talk dirty to him if you've never tried that before; explore and play with new parts of his body, such as his anus and perineum, during foreplay - or even during the main event. Seduce him into a "quickie" by leaving a trail of clothes across the floor into the bedroom. Greet him at the door in sexy clothing. Phone him at work and tell him what you'd like to do to him later that day.....well, you get the idea - use your imagination!

5 Expecting him to read your mind

Yes, we know it's difficult to express your sexual desires directly. But men don't think like women. They don't read clues, they don't get hints. So stop communicating indirectly, and tell him what you want. And give him feedback when you get it! That way, he'll know exactly what he's supposed to be doing, how you feel about it, and whether to do it again. For example, if you like what he's doing during sex, let him know with your moans of pleasure.

6 Criticizing him

I think one of the reasons women can be so critical of their man is that they've never learned the art of direct communication. Than means stating clearly and directly what you want, how you want it, and whether you got it - and how you feel about it afterwards. Men appreciate that style of talk - they know where they stand and it removes the uncertainty for them.

Criticism is an indirect way of saying that your needs are not being met - but if you read number 5 above, then maybe you've begun to understand that your man won't know what you want unless you tell him. If you're judging his love for you on the basis of his ability to anticipate and meet your needs without you saying what they are, well, I'm afraid you aren't likely to be very satisfied. And it won't be his fault.

7 Letting him take responsibility for your orgasm

A lot of us think that a man somehow has a responsibility to "give" a woman an orgasm during sex. After all, that's how a lot of us were brought up - that a man somehow has to look after "his" woman. And that idea extends to making sure she has an orgasm during sex.....but the truth is that women are responsible for their own orgasms. So while it might be nice for your man to help you get there, if you don't make it to orgasm through his efforts, you can always take matters into your own hands.

8 Controlling him by withdrawing sex

One of the most unhealthy things you can do in a relationship is to use sex as a weapon. This is basically a statement that you feel powerless, that you think withholding sex is the only way you can get what you want. Rather than trying to exert some influence over your man by denying him the pleasure of your body, try communicating directly what you want and don't want. (That might even extend to simply saying you don't feel emotionally close enough to your partner to want sex.)

9 Thinking he'll feel the same way about your body that you do

It just isn't so. Men don't attach the judgments to women's bodies that women do. So, for example, even if he thinks your butt really is a bit on the large side, it won't matter to him the way it matters to you. In fact, he probably quite likes it. And he certainly won't be put off making love, or want the lights off, because of it. While you waste time and emotional energy wondering if you're completely undesirable because of some aspect of your body, he'll never give it a second thought. It's women who judge their bodies, I think for the sake of comparison with other women, not men.

10 Not making up with sex after an argument

Well, yes, I know that a lot of couples do make up with sex when they've had an argument, but in fact many more don't. As I said above, most women think that they need to be feeling loving and emotionally close before they want sex. Yet I've met a lot of couples in my work as a sexual therapist who have found that taking the risk and jumping into bed can work really well as a way of getting close again.

Even if you don't feel sexy or loving when you start making love, after a while the simple act of being physically connected in bed can really change the way you feel about each other. The other way of settling an argument (that's talking, seeking understanding, and thrashing out how you feel) is fine: but once in a while try a more direct method of getting your feelings back on track - just go to bed together!


Monday 25 May 2009

Top 10 Causes of Vaginal Bleeding After Sex

You've just finished making love, and you're in that pleasant dream-like state when you go to the bathroom and discover that you are bleeding. Nothing can bring you back to reality faster than vaginal bleeding after sex. Post-coital bleeding can occur for a number of reasons, and is nothing to take lightly. Here's a look at the top 10 causes of vaginal bleeding after sex:

1. Cervical dysplasia: Cervical dysplasia is precancerous changes of the epithelial cells that line the cervix. Risk increases with multiple sexual partners, sex before age 18, childbirth before age 16, or a past history of STDs. Treatment is usually cryosurgery or conisation.

2. Chlamydia: A bacterial infection that is usually transmitted through sexual activity or contact with semen, vaginal fluid, or blood.

3. Gonorrhea: A usually sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacteria. Several pharmaceutical treatments are available.

4. Vaginitis or Cervicitis: Inflammation or swelling and infection of the vagina or cervix. Treatment depends on the cause.

5. Cervical polyps: Cervical polyps are smooth, red or purple, finger-like growths that grow out of the mucus layer of the cervix or the cervical canal. Cervical polyps are extremely fragile, extending out of the cervix, and easily and painlessly removed.

6. Trichomoniasis: A usually sexually transmitted disease caused by protozoan. Can also be passed to newborns during vaginal birth by infected mothers. Although rare, transmission is also possible in tap water, hot tubs, urine, on toilet seats, and in swimming pools. May cause vaginitis.

7. Vaginal Yeast Infection: An overgrowth of the normal fungi that inhabits the vaginal area. Common symptoms include itching, burning, and an odorless, white, cheese-like discharge.

8. Endometritis or adenomyosis: Endometritis is defined by Dorland's Medical Dictionary, 27th Edition as an inflammation of the endometrium (the innermost layer of the uterus). Both conditions are associated with endometriosis. Adenomysis is when endometrial tissue attaches itself to the uterus, or another organ such as the ovaries, and grows outside of the uterus.

9. Uterine polyps: Uterine polyps occur when the endometrium overgrows causing these protrusions into the uterus. It is extremely rare for these growths to grow in a way that is either benign or malignant. Women with uterine polyps frequently experience bleeding between periods (metrorrhagia), other symptoms includes vaginal bleeding after sex, spotting, menorrhagia, bleeding after menopause, and breakthrough bleeding during hormone therapy. Hysteroscopic-guided curettage is the preferred treatment, since the normal D&C is basically an unguided procedure that may miss many of the uterine polyps.

10. Fibroid tumors: Uterine fibroid tumors are usually benign tumors. They are solid masses made of fibrous tissue. Fibroid tumors are rarely malignant. Symptoms of fibroid tumors vary among women, with some women never experiencing any symptoms at all. Women who can wait until menopause will see their fibroids shrink and disappear once their bodies stop producing estrogen. It's important that women with fibroids make sure they never take estrogen, in any form including birth control pills, since estrogen increases fibroid growth. Several treatments are currently available for uterine fibroid tumors from myomectomy and uterine artery embolization to the traditional hysterectomy.

Diagnosing vaginal bleeding after sex is usually a matter of exclusion. Anytime you experience post-coital bleeding or vaginal bleeding after sex see your physician.


Wednesday 20 May 2009

The Perfect At-home Yoga Workout for the Stay-at-home Mom

To be able to stay physically and mentally fit, one of the advisable steps in doing so is to do some yoga exercises. Yoga exercises target both the physical and mental well-being of an individual. As you do the exercise, you are relaxing your inner being as well.

It is best and highly advisable to do these exercises first thing in the morning. At the end of the session, you would surely be able to feel rejuvenated and ready to face any challenges that would come your way.

Stay-at-home moms would usually be stuck in a daily routine of taking care of the kids, doing the laundry, cooking, groceries, cleaning the house, and many more. It is usually the back and the shoulder part that would be aching at the end of the day. However, with the yoga exercises, you would surely be able to feel the relief of tension as you start the yoga exercises.

What you need to het started

Here are the things you would need to perform yoga exercises.

1) A yoga mat, or any mat that you can lie on your back comfortably
2) A bottle of water
3) A ball (if you have one)
4) A chair
5) Pile of books
6) Face towel

Tips You'll Need in a Yoga Session

Before you do the exercise, you must have the warm up stretches so as to avoid straining your muscles. Do the basic head to toe exercises as a warm up exercise just to get things going.

Always remember as well that in doing yoga exercises, you are supposed to be in tune with your body. You have to feel the breathing in and out of your body. You must be relaxed at all times.

To Begin the Exercise

Yoga exercises would then start with the breathing in and out technique. Holding your breath for a few seconds and then releasing it in the process. As you begin the exercise, you can just lie down on your back and just relax. Stretching your arms and legs would surely do wonders for you. Stretching your arms would relax your forearms and shoulder blades. Curling into a ball will release the strain in your back muscles. Your legs would feel relaxed and rejuvenated as you bring them close to your chin one by one. As you do these exercises, don't forget the breathing technique that you have to follow in the process.

Be Creative

If your child has a large ball around, you can lie on it and arch your back using the ball as your balance. Feel every muscle of your body as you do these exercises. You can also use a chair as well in doing these exercises. Using it as a balance, you can stretch your back muscles. Make sure you have no back problems before you do these. Yoga exercises are not meant to be strenuous exercises. Always remember to relax from time to time.

Yoga exercises should be relaxing and at the same time a fun experience for you. That way, you will always enjoy them and look forward to making time to do these exercises.


Friday 8 May 2009

Stem Cells May Restore Female Fertility

Rather than sticking to a schedule set by social convention, more and more women are opting to wait until their late 30s and early 40s to have children. In 2005, ten times as many women had their first child between the ages of 35 and 39 as in 1975, and thirteen times as many had their first between 40 and 44. There are apparent advantages of waiting to start a family, including having achieved many personal and career goals and being more financially stable. In contrast, there is also a big downside: the longer you wait, the harder it is to get pregnant. The reason is straightforward—a woman is born with all the eggs, known as oocytes, she’ll ever have and over time the supply is depleted. But researchers in China say it may one day be possible for women to rewind their biological clocks by repopulating their ovaries with new eggs using stem cells.

In a study that has been deemed “quite dramatic,” researchers led by Kang Zou and Ji Wu from the School of Life Science and Biotechnology at Shanghai Jiao Tong University harvested cells they call female germline stem cells (FGSC) from the ovaries of five-day-old and adult mice. The cells were cultured for more than six months and modified to produce a green fluorescent protein so they could be easily tracked. Then the scientists used the FGSC’s to reseed the ovaries of mice whose eggs had been killed off. The sterilized mice produced new eggs, and after natural mating, 80 percent went on to produce healthy offspring that were themselves fertile. The green protein was present in many of the babies, which suggests they came from eggs grown from the stem cells. “These results suggest that oocytes can be regenerated in sterile recipient females by transplantation of FGSCs,” the study authors wrote.

This is the first time scientists have obtained cells from an adult mammal that appear capable of producing new eggs and healthy offspring. “If you are looking to disprove that females cannot make new eggs, this paper proves it. It’s a really significant paper,” said Jonathan L. Tilly, a professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive biology at Harvard Medical School. “This is the smoking gun.”

If the findings are confirmed, they could offer a host of new options for infertile women. For example, those who wish to delay childbearing or who are facing sterilization as a result of cancer treatment might be able to stockpile their egg stem cells for use later in life. Or if women who are infertile because of their age still harbor the cells, scientists may be able to find a way to stimulate them into producing new eggs, some experts say. “We have lot of patients who cannot get pregnant because they have run out of eggs or their eggs are of poor quality because of their age. The only option they have is adoption, which is not so easy, or egg donation, which means the child would not be their genetic child,” said Roger G. Gosden, director of reproductive medicine at Cornell Weill Medical Center in New York, who was not involved in the research. “The research means egg donation from a fertile woman might not be necessary because she could have her own genetic child engineered from her stem cells.”

The findings could also benefit stem cell research by providing a new source of eggs, which are crucial for producing stem cell lines tailored to individual patients and diseases but are difficult to obtain and controversial.

However, some experts remain cautious, saying the work needs to be replicated more carefully in mice and in other species. “The aging process of the human egg differs fundamentally from that of the mouse egg,” said David L. Keefe, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of South Florida. “Except at Disney World, humans are not large mice.”

“This is another chapter in what has been a very controversial story, where some scientists have gone against the dogma which states that in mammals, such as mice and humans, all the progenitor germ cells that could give rise to eggs have already done so by birth,” said Professor Robin Lovell-Badge, a researcher into stem cells at the MRC National Institute for Medical Research in London. “This paper will stimulate lots of activity in the scientific community, as happens when any dogma is challenged. This is a good thing. But what would be unfortunate is if this paper is hyped as a cure for female infertility. A lot more work is needed to understand what these new cells really are, and to verify the findings and the claims.”

The study was published online by the journal Nature Cell Biology


Seniors Can Enjoy Sex Into Their 80s

elderly couple

Yep, you heard it right. Today’s senior citizens are proving that you can enjoy sex well into your 80s. During a survey, published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, conducted by the University of Chicago, men and women ranging in the ages of 57 to 85 were asked questions regarding their sexual activity over the past year. Based on the information gathered, it seems some men and women are enjoying their sex lives well into their later years.

Face-to-face interviews were conducted from mid-2005 to March 2006 involving 1,550 women and 1,455 men, in the privacy of their own homes. While around half of those evaluated admitted to having at least one disturbing sexual situation, around 68 percent of the men and 42 percent of the women said they had sex over the past year. During the survey, the researchers considered factors such as age, race, marriage status, and education levels. Participant’s physical and mental health, and their happiness or lack of with their relationship, were all considered risk factors for sex problems.

Participants were asking during the study some of their sexual problems they may have experienced. To help define participant’s sex problems, researchers defined several as a guide. They included lack of or lower sex drive, erection problems, vaginal dryness, problems with early orgasm or never reaching climax, pain during sex, lack of pleasure, and if they were worried about sexual performance. Each participant was asked how much the problems bothered them.

Urinary tract infections seem to be a key player in causing several of the problems both women and men experience with their sex lives, based on the study. Women seem to have more problems than men with sex, because of their tendency to have more urinary tract infections as well as STDs or sexually transmitted diseases. STD’s, lead to women being four times more likely to having sexual pains and three times as likely to have vaginal dryness. Men with STDs had five times the chances of having unpleasant side effects while having sex. Whether you are 18 and at your prime sexual peak or 80 and winding down, medication and illness can affect your desire to have sex, as well as your physical ability. Anxiety also seemed to be a key trouble maker for both groups.

Dr. Virginia Sadock, the director of the program for human sexuality at the New York University Langone Medical Center in New York City said, “It’s definitely whether you’re elderly or 'wellderly' that makes a difference” and “illness and medications make a difference in sex lives.”

Some people may think sex lives will eventually fizzle out, and they may. However, based on the new study, you may be physically and mentally able to enjoy your sex life well into your 80’s. There are some 80 year olds in better health than those at 60. Sex lives can be squed by ones physical and mental well being as well as factors such as weight, habits like smoking or drinking, health issues and medications that may hinder ones ability to enjoy sex. Edward Leumann, the lead author of the survey, a professor of sociology at the University of Chicago, stated “It’s not age per se; that when you get to 80 it’s all over with.”


New Testosterone Injections Work as Male Contraceptive

Pregnancy is a big step in life for any couple. Until now, there have only been a few ways to prevent pregnancy and most of them are centered around the female. Now, there is a new monthly injection of testosterone that works as a contraceptive in men, allowing the responsibility of birth control to be shared among the sexes.

For years, scientists have been looking for a contraceptive to be the male equivalent to the Pill. The trials that were conducted in the 1990s found that weekly injections of testosterone reduced the sperm counts for 98 percent of the men, and the effects disappeared when the injections were stopped. However, the researchers thought that the weekly injections would be considered too unpopular and troublesome with men to be a very useful method of contraception.

Since then, researchers have been experimenting with injections that are oil-based. They combined the testosterone with tea seed oil which means that once it was injected, it was absorbed very slowly by the body. This also means that the effect of a single injection could last for much longer.

A new, large-scale study has looked at how well the monthly injections of testosterone has worked as a contraceptive and how safe they really are. The recent study looked at approximately 1,045 Chinese men that were between the ages of 20 and 45, had fathered at least one child in the two years prior to the study, and were in a stable relationship.

For six months, the men that participated in the study took monthly injections of testosterone in their buttocks. After that time, most of the men had very low sperm counts. However, the testosterone injections failed to lower the sperm count in about 5 percent of the men.

If the injections were successful, the men continued to take them for two years. However, many of the participants dropped out over time, so only 733 actually completed the trial. Also during the trial, the sperm count rose again for just over 1 percent of the men, and there were nine pregnancies during the two years. Overall, after the first year of the study, there was 1 pregnancy for every 100 men that participated. At the end of the second year, the pregnancy rate was fractionally higher at 1.1 per 100 men.

Condoms, when they are used perfectly, have about a 2 in 100 pregnancy rate a year. With the female contraceptive pill, the pregnancy rate is approximately 0.3 in 100. It is very important to remember that most of the contraceptives are a lot less effective in the real world than these ‘"perfect use" figures suggest, because people can forget to take a pill or the condom can fail to work properly.

An important question is whether the men’s sperm count rose again after the testosterone injections were stopped. For most of the men it took approximately 200 days for their sperm count to return to normal, however, 17 of the men still had not recovered their fertility after one year. Most of the men who participated had a normal sperm count after an extra three months, but two of the men were still not producing sperm after this time period.

The side of effects of the injections included tenderness at the injection site, a rash or acne, and some men experienced changes in their sex drive. These changes varied from man to man, but the most common side effect was a sex drive that was higher.

The next question is, what does this mean for me? The injection is currently being tested in Phase III trials, which are considered the largest scale human trials that are carried out before a new drug is released to the market. If a new medication is safe and effective in Phase III trials, its manufacturer can then apply to the appropriate regulatory agency for a license to manufacture and sell the product. There is no definite timescale, but it is usually a few years from the successful completion Phase III trials to the launch of the new product.


Staying Fit with Budokon

Sure yoga has had more than its fifteen minutes of fame and it doesn’t look like it’s going to be over any time soon, and pilates is still a popular offering for those looking to add a bit more intensity to their workout, but there is a new type of “miracle exercise” popping up in magazines, gossip rags, and newspapers over the last few years. Have you ever wondered why Friends Courteney Cox Arquette and Jennifer Aniston are able to keep their figures and their friendship so tight? If you enjoy yoga but are also in love with the high-intensity kickboxing class across the hall, try a fusion class like Budokon (bu-do-kon) and get hip with the Hollywood crowd. Budokon is spiritual rhythmic class involving the poses of yoga with the quick, cardio aspect of martial arts training that is quickly sweeping the red carpet.

Created in 2000 by Los Angeles-based trainer Cameron Shayne, the word Budokon is Japanese for “Way of the Spiritual Warrior” and Shayne is the embodiment of his creation. Budokon isn’t just the hyped-about new fusion workout that has celebrities praising his name, but is more about precision and technique while being true to your mind and spirit while tending to your body’s health needs. Shayne says that Budokon is a “living art,” he goes on to say that it encompasses your entire being, “It is your waking and your sleeping, your walking and your sitting, your living and your dying.” Shayne promises that he isn’t selling anything with Budokon and that there are no gimmicks, there is only something he calls "The Way."

Although “The Way” sounds like a connection to a religion or another structured practice, Shayne emphasizes that it is merely a zen way of approaching your life and is not meant to be taken as enlightenment. There is a specific philosophy attached to the practice of Budokon as a way of connecting spirituality to the physical and mental stages of the art, but it primarily focuses on the individual and letting go of attachments and being true to yourself above all else.

There are three steps to bringing Budokon into your life. First, study the practices and do them regularly, keeping a fluid motion within your body and an open communication with your mind. Check out the locations to find a Budokon class near you or to inquire when a teaching workshop will be in your area.

Second, learn the ten cultivations of Budokon and research the food guidelines in order to attain the highest level of effectiveness in order to completely balance to your life. The cultivations are simple and range from simple and direct, “Order before chaos,” to something more complex for example, “Humility before dishonor.” Food guidelines are also straightforward and easy to follow by advising against eating or drinking a lot before practice and sticking to light foods, keeping a diet of leafy vegetables throughout the day, using meat sparingly in your diet, staying away from rich foods, and trying to eat only natural sugars like honey and stevia, among others.

The third and final step to acquiring full Budokon is to keep a rhythm moving from the peaceful yogic poses to fast moving cardio kicks to the seated meditation as the final part of a class.

Of course the steps are aquired over time and beginners are not obliged to be graceful right away, as Ellen McCarthy of The Washington Post learned when she experimented in a class taught by a student of Shayne’s. McCarthy later calls the experience, “A hell of a workout.” On her recommendation alone, I would volunteer to try out a class or two and challenge my body to work outside of its comfort zone for a bit, I think it sounds like fun regardless of whether or not the rest of the Budokon lifestyle fits me. Budokon may end up being another fad exercise trend that celebrities will wear out soon, but it seems to be gaining strength for now. If it makes you feel good and helps to make your body look like you could be a starlet’s body double, more power to founder Cameron Shayne and the refreshing style known as Budokon.


Thursday 7 May 2009

Threelac Candida Defense - How To Treat Candida

Yeast infections can be a nightmare. What causes them? Yeast is found naturally in the body. In this form, it is beneficial. However, if your immune system
is weak or the pH balance is off this natural yeast can multiply and turn into a fungal infection. It is estimated that 75 percent of all women have suffered from a yeast infection at least once in their lives.

How can you get rid of a yeast infection safely?

There are over the counter products that can cure yeast infections and even prevent them. Products like Threelac Candida Defense can help. It contains three forms of lactic acid bacteria microorganisms that eliminate the overgrowth of bacteria. Three Lack Candida Defense can also regulate the pH balance levels in your body to fight against future infections.

What are the symptoms of a yeast infection?

Symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection range from a white lumpy discharge resembling cottage cheese, vaginal itching, pain, burning and discomfort while urinating or during intercourse. Often symptoms tend to flare up just before a woman's period. Other infections like trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis can have similar symptoms.

How can you prevent yeast infections?

Doctors recommend wearing breathable materials such as cotton for undergarments and no matter what the style, avoid jeans that are too tight. Products like Threelac Candida Defense can maintain the level of bacteria in your body to avoid overgrowth and infection.

What can you take to cure the infection quickly and how long does it take to get relief?

Threelac Candida Defense comes in packets of lemon flavoured powder. Once a day you pour a packet on your tongue and drink with a glass of water. It is recommended that you take it with food to assist in delivering it to your small intestines. Some have indicated immediate results, other cases may take up to two weeks to cure.

The days of suffering while waiting to get into the doctor and waiting to fill a prescription are over. With so many people over using antibiotics, our bodies build up an immunity and infections get harder and harder to treat. With a product like Threelac Candida Defense, you can get immediate relief, maintain bacteria in the body and completely protect yourself from future yeast infections. It couldn't get easier!


Best Natural Yeast Infection Cure - Cure Your Yeast Infection the Natural Way

Are you looking for the absolute best natural yeast infection cure? If so then I have an excellent surprise for you. In this article today I'll show you how to cure your yeast infection the natural way using 3 different cures.

Chickweed Ointment - This is an all natural ointment that is well known to be incredibly effective in alleviating itchy yeast infections. Although perhaps not as common as aloe vera or slippery elm, both of which are also excellent for yeast infections.

Frozen Unsweetened Yogurt - Beneficial bacteria present in yogurt is one of the easiest ways to cure your yeast infection the natural way. Freeze unsweetened yogurt into either ice cubes or popsicles. Once frozen apply frequently. This can effectively provide relief from the symptoms of burning, while directly affecting the yeast colonies as well. If you are sensitive you can also use unfrozen yogurt, make sure to lay down while doing this and have a towel underneath you to avoid any kind of mess.

Keep as cool and dry as possible - This one goes without saying, a hot and moist environment sets the stage up for disaster regarding yeast infections. As long as you remain dry, yeast will have difficulty in colonizing, but the more you suffocate the genital area by wearing tight clothing and synthetic underwear the worse the infection will become. Also avoid sitting for prolonged periods of time, as this will also incur more problems.

Beyond these treatments make sure to avoid sugar like the plague to avoid feeding the yeast any further in their development. This also includes the avoidance of fruit and refined carbohydrates.