Thursday 24 September 2009

Methods To Treating Yeast Infections

There are several troubles that women can have to contend with when it concerns to their bodies. They must worry about their menstrual cycle once a month - which causes their hormones to become out of control. But this is the least of their troubles. One problem that women must deal with and moderate are yeast infections.

This is caused when the bacteria - candida - is growing out of control because too much of the good bacteria that moderates it is gone. This can be made by distinct things and there are numerous things that we are able to do which will help to treat and contain it. Though yeast infections are not lethal they might be bothersome and cause itching, redness, and odor in the woman’s vaginal region.


When attempting to contain the infection women are encouraged to consume yogurt every day. This is because yogurt is made up of a bacteria that is good for our bodies and is utilized to contain candida. Speak with your physician about what yogurts are safest to consume and how often they should be eaten.


There are distinct kinds of supplements that you are able to take which can assist to control these infections. These are produces with various natural products and plants and are said to be efficient. It is better to talk with your physician to know which one is best to use for your body.

Organic Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is moderately new to the health world and individuals are still skeptical about it. However, numerous studies have been done and it is proven to help people control their weight and likewise to care for this infection. You will find coconut oil in several health food stores and in unique forms.


Tuesday 22 September 2009

Be Aware of the Early Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer

As a survivor of both breast and colon cancers, I want to always bring cancer awareness to the general public. While I have not had ovarian cancer nor known anyone close to me who has, I was struck to realize how easily the symptoms of this horrible disease can be mistaken for minor health problems. Don't take chances with your life, if you or someone you love shows any of the symptoms listed below, please go to your gynecologist and explain your symptoms.

Ovarian cancer is often known as the silent disease because so many women don't realize they have it until it's too late. As a cancer survivor, I always want to take advantage of getting any cancer information out to the public. According to Mark Messing, M.D., a gynecological oncologist with the Baylor Health Care System in Texas, some of the earliest signs of ovarian cancer are:

* Bloating
* Pelvic pain
* Abdominal pain
* Difficulty eating or feeling full quickly
* Changes in urinary or bowel functions

Unfortunately, these symptoms are very common to many women and can certainly be signs of other problems. However, if you or someone you love shows any of these symptoms and they persist over a few weeks, over-the-counter meds aren't working, etc, contact your doctor immediately. Dr. Messing says women too often try over-the-counter medications for too long, have bloating but assume they are just gaining weight, etc. It is better to be checked out by your physician than to try to doctor yourself or ignore the symptoms. Many times ovarian cancer will not be the problem. But in the cases where it is present, early detection is vitally important, as it is with all cancers! Don't take chances with your life; you only get one!

Remember, no one knows your body like you do!!


Sunday 20 September 2009

Solving Problems in Fertility for Men and Women

As couples and partners actively look for assistance related to fertility, they may discover that many treatments are available that may help them out somewhat. The treatments that will be suggested will depend on the specific problem, but patients interested in these services should speak to a medical professional specializing in fertility treatment for more information. Once the doctor is able to determine the problem, they will explain the possible solutions and which treatments or procedures may be able to help.

The reason for infertility may lie in few different places. If there is an issue with any reproductive organ belonging to either the male or the female, infertility is possible. Also, several lifestyle choices may play a role in causing infertility. For example, smoking cigarettes, using drugs and heavily consuming alcohol may be factors. As people age, infertility may be present as well. Individuals or couples with questions regarding problems with fertility should consult a medical professional specializing in fertility treatments.

When the doctor is able to narrow down the couple's or person's problem, they will be able to recommend solutions. While several assisted reproductive technologies exist that may be helpful, the most widely known is in vitro fertilization. In this procedure, eggs from the woman and sperm from the man are combined in a dish in a laboratory. Once an embryo forms, it is inserted into the woman's uterus where, upon successful implantation, she will carry it to term.

Another infertility treatment used by fertility doctors is intrauterine insemination, also called artificial insemination. This procedures requires the monitoring of the woman's menstrual cycle so that once an egg is released from her fallopian tube, sperm is injected directly into the uterus in hopes that the egg will be fertilized. The woman may be given fertility medication to stimulate ovulation.
Whether either treatment will be an option for a couple depends on the underlying problem that is causing their infertility. A fertility specialist will be able to explain to them which treatments may work and which may not. Following a specialist’s personal recommendations may help their chances of success.

Beyond assisted reproductive technologies and artificial inseminations, there are other treatments and lifestyle changes that fertility specialists may recommend. Other services that may be available to patients seeking help with fertility include egg donation, egg freezing and surrogacy. Couples who would like further information should speak to a medical professional at a fertility clinic in their area.


Friday 18 September 2009

Identifying Yeast Infection Symptoms

But what are the most common symptoms of Candida yeast infection. The symptoms of yeast infection that passes from the body indicating that something is wrong. The symptoms of yeast infection vary depending on the site of infection.


If symptoms persist, you should be examined by a gynecologist or family doctor. Candidiasis is a chronic infectious disease of systemic yeast with a variety of symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, muscle aches, headaches and more. The symptoms of yeast infection: rashthick, residuewhite pasty white / yellow cheese vaginal itch (yeast infection), burning, itching, redness, inflammation of the vagina (vaginal candidiasis), skin rash of bright red (skin and anal candidiasis) and intensity of burn (the skin and anal candidiasis), painful patches of creamy white on the surface of the mouth (thrush, candidiasis of the mouth) rashVaginal candidiasis occurs more frequently in pregnant women, women obese with diabetes or taking antibiotics.


In women, vaginal yeast infection is characterized by a thick white discharge. If the excess tissue is not easy to sweep, and, of course, a discoloration caused by food stains or snuff, has chronic hyperplastic. If you have ever had a yeast infection knows that itches, is or may be a rash, red or white, depending on where the body, they also feel pain when urinating, and sometimes smell.


Our skin acts as a barrier against bacteria, but if something breaks the surface, a cut or scrape, bacteria that enter as men are represented by patches of red sores near the head of the penis, marked near or below the foreskin. If you reach the skin is called yeast infection of the skin. Fungi usually live on the surface of the skin, but for the propagation and growth, moreover, often leave the skin causing the appearance of a flat red rash.

Georgia Hess is the owner and founder of , a website to help people affected by yeast infections of payment.


Wednesday 16 September 2009

Beauty Regime with Bridal Diet Plan

EVERY bride wants to look her best on her wedding day and as a result many brides focus only on losing weight in a short time frame. The stress that sometimes accompanies the desire to lose excess kilos means that many young women go on a crash diet or use dangerous and untested diet pills.

While the effects in the short run may be desirable, it’s the long term health which ultimately suffers. What many brides find is that they binge eat after their wedding and in the process pile on more weight then they had initially lost as their metabolism rate has been affected.

Basic recommendations of Weight Loss Diet

Start a supervised weight loss diet at least 3 to 4 months before the wedding.Follow a diet that is nutritious and which allows you to lose no more than two to three kilos a month.

The most important guideline is to adopt a diet as a ‘ change of life plan’ not simply as a means to lose weight. It is also important to set a realistic goal. No matter how long you are on a diet, try not to lose more than 10 kilos as the effects of such a loss will affect the quality of your skin and hair.

The diet should consist of three meals, supplement this with nutritious snacks throughout the day. The diet should be mainly comprised of milk and milk products, sprouts, soy, egg whites, chicken or fish and lots of vegetables and fruits. Try and avoid vegetables like potato and yams, as well as heavy dals at night. When craving a juice, opt for vegetable based ones and also try to have an early dinner.

Above all, don’t skip meals as this leads to a slow down of the metabolic rate and you might gain weight instead of losing it.

A sample daily diet plan

Early Morning:
Amla and soaked almonds ( 4- 5), walnuts ( 1- 2) etc

Breakfast: Milk and multi grain flakes, or 1 egg or low fat paneer with whole wheat toast, or upma or brown rice poha .

MId Morning Snack: Fruits and lemon water, or green tea and whole wheat biscuit.

Lunch: 2 Multi grain rotis ( made with barley, soy, oats, wheat) with half a bowl of light dal or paneer , and vegetables, salads and curd.

Tea: Sprouts or boiled egg white, vegetable, or clear chicken soup.

Dinner: Steamed or stir fry vegetables and salads with paneer/ chicken/ fish. Or 1 roti ( multi grain) with 1 big plate of salad and 1 bowl of light vegetables Or paneer and some cooked vegetables. Or vegetables with chicken and multi grain toast.

More information about Fast weight loss and Health Care Tips log on to Health and Beauty Secret


Monday 14 September 2009

How to Treat Cracked Heels

When the cold season comes, most of us stop treating our body properly. On contrary, we should pay even more attention to avoid the damages the cold can cause. Cracked heels are quite common, as a result of a very dry skin. Also, it might be the sign of health problems, lake of vitamins or even some diseases. Also, if not treated, it can cause sever infections which can be treated even harder.

Avoiding the Causes of Cracked Heels

To avoid cracked heels, you should find out the possible causes. There are several factors that might bring to cracked heels but the most common ones are the fallowing:

  • dry skin, or lake of moisture

  • being overweight, which makes the skin try to expand.

  • Diseases like Psoriasis, Eczema, Diabetes, and other health disorders

  • also, age, vitamin, mineral and zinc deficiency, unhealthy and unhygienic lifestyle

To avoid cracked heels, make sure you eliminate the factors that might cause it and try to keep your feet smooth. Soak your feet regularly and scrub to get rid of the dead skin cells. Moisturize once a day, preferably before going to bed. Drink plenty of water to keep your entire skin hydrated, keep a healthy diet and comfy shoes. Alternate cold and warm water when showering and avoid walking on bare feet.

Treating Your Feet

Keep a healthy diet. Make sure you have the proper intake of vitamins, calcium, zinc, iron and omega 3.

Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate. Use the pumice stone to scrub your feet. Make sure you get rid of all the dead cells and scrub your heels as often as possible till it gets smooth. Pay extra attention if the cracked heel is sensitive. It might be infected. Keep your feet clean and dirt free. Hydrate yourself and avoid uncomfortable shoes and walking on bare feet. If you have deeper fissures, try an antifungal and antibiotic treatments to avoid infection.

Moisturize at least twice a day till the skin gets soft again. Than reduce it to once a day, make it a habit to do it before going to bed. After applying it, you can use socks to prevent smudging cream into your sheets. It will moisture your feet all night long while you're asleep. Also, Vaseline is a good treatment for this kind of skin problem.

Get Rid of Cracked Heels

By avoiding the possible causes, having a healthy diet that supplies your body with vitamins, and keeping yourself hydrated, you assure a smooth and delicate skin for your feet.

Keep your feet clean and make sure you avoid wet public environments, walking on bare feet and any bacteria suspicious places. Having dry feet makes the skin more prone to infections.

Avoid to hot showers, but alternate the warm and cold water to accelerate the blood circulation.

Use a pumice stone to scrub off the dead cells and soften your skin.

Moisturize as much as possible.

Once you got the softer skin, try to keep your routine, but don't overdo it. Simply moisturize and hydrate yourself. Also, avoid open heeled shoes and hard surfaces.


Saturday 12 September 2009

Antioxidant Body Cream - Discover 3 Sensational Ingredients in Antioxidant Skin Cream

Are you sick and tired of looking for an antioxidant body cream in stores? Tired of all the ad campaigns on television advertising the latest and greatest antioxidant body lotion or cream product the big skin care companies say is the best?

But how does anyone know which cream, lotion or any antioxidant product to pick. Too much marketing hype is being fed to the consumer. So, it's time to start asking a few simple questions before deciding on which product to purchase...for instance:

• what are the ingredients to look for
• are these ingredients safe for your skin

If you're like me, you'll ask yourself these questions. Just because the mega skincare companies say their antioxidant body cream is the best, you just have to take a closer look and find out something different.

When you look closer, you'll notice synthetic chemical substances like mineral oils, parabens, alcohols and fragrances. Most big brand skincare products, even natural and organic skincare, have these unwanted additives. But being a knowledgeable consumer, you realize a bit of product education helps in the long run.

By researching natural ingredients from a small company in New Zealand, I found and placed an order for their antioxidant body cream online. Was I happy spending a bit of time reading the product ingredients? Absolutely...I found that the skincare cream was the best antioxidant body cream I've used to date.

No more testing different creams, lotions and moisturizers. No more wasting money on the latest and greatest skincare products that contain synthetic chemical ingredients.

Look for these three sensational ingredients:

1. Phytessence Wakame -- This natural ingredient is very rich in antioxidants. Because it's able to fight free radicals, protect your skin against damage caused by the sun's UV rays this makes it very effective in an antioxidant product.

2. Grapeseed Oil -- A powerful antioxidant rich in linoleic acid and other essential oils which are necessary for your skin health. Natural grapeseed oil creates an invisible film that locks moisture in while keeping dirt and grime out of your skin's pores.

3. Nano Lipobelle HEQ10 -- A special form of CoenzymeQ10 that penetrates deeply into your skin (much better than regular Coenzyme Q10). Because the powerful form of CoenzymeQ10 nourishes skin with antioxidants that destroy free radicals, your skin looks rejuvenated.

There are many more safe, effective ingredients. So when you're prepared to buy a quality antioxidant body cream product make sure it contains natural ingredients that have been tested to give positive results. Other proven substances to look for: Cynergy TK, Natural Vitamin E and Active Manuka Honey.

Now that you know about harmful ingredients to avoid in antioxidant products, discover quality skincare which is safe, effective and keeps your skin healthy, young-looking and glowing.

Visit my website today to find more amazing natural ingredients found in an antioxidant body cream product.


Thursday 10 September 2009

Homemade Hair Treatments

You can have the great and healthy hair without the expensive hair products or service from the beauty salon. With the common ingredients in your kitchen, you will have the nourish hair treatment in the moment.

Lemon Moisturizing Hair Treatment

This homemade treatment is great to help treat dry hair and scalp. Use as a shampoo twice a week throughout the winter to keep your hair looking and feeling fantastic. Ingredients:

3 eggs

1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice

1 Tbsp olive oil

1 Tbsp Mayonnaise


Blend all ingredients until smooth.

Add 3 Tbsp of shampoo to mixture.

Blend until combined.

Wet hair and use mixture to shampoo.

Rinse with warm water.

Refrigerate unused portion in airtight container for up to a week.

Banana Blend Conditioner

You might want to drink this concoction, but don't! It's actually a terrific conditioner for your hair! Use this mixture once a week all year round to keep your hair soft and manageable.


1/2 banana

1/4 cantaloupe

1 Tbsp olive oil

1 Tbsp plain yogurt


Blend all ingredients until well combined.

Apply mixture to freshly washed hair, saturating from roots to tips.

Leave set for 30 minutes.

Rinse with cool water.

Olive oil for shiny hair


1 teaspoon of olive oil
1 egg

Mix the two and apply on hair. Leave it on for about 10 minutes and wash off using warm water, then shampoo.

Egg white for oily hair

1 egg white (more if your hair is thick or long).

Beat the egg and simply apply on dry hair. Leave it on until it is dry and crusty. Wash off with warm water and shampoo. Doing this a couple of times a week will help reduce the oiliness and remove the excess oil.

Hair pack for damaged hair


Juice from freshly squeezed lemon
2 egg yolks
1 egg white
1 tablespoon of honey.

Mix all the ingredients, apply on hair and let it rest for 10 minutes. After that, shampoo and rinse off.

Avocado & Egg Yolk

Mash a small avocado and combine with an egg yolk. Apply to hair for 15 minutes, then rinse and wash your hair as usual. This is a great moisturizing mask for your hair.


Tuesday 8 September 2009

Sunburn Treatment & Prevention

Sunburn results when the amount of exposure to the sun or other ultraviolet light source exceeds the ability of the body's protective pigment, melanin, to protect the skin. You can be sunburned on a cloudy or overcast day as well as a clear sunny day. The risk for sunburn is increased for persons with fair-skin, blue eyes and red or blond hair. Persons taking some medications including sulfa drugs, tetracyclines, some diuretics are at risk.

Common symptoms:

1. Hot, red skin

2. Red eyes and sensitivity to light.

3. Blisters on the skin.

4. Skin flaking

Sunburn treatment

  • Keep it cool. Apply cold compresses — such as a towel dampened with cool water — to the affected skin. Or take a cool bath.
  • Keep it moist. Apply aloe, moisturizing cream or over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream to the affected skin. Beware of sunburn treatment products containing anesthetics, such as benzocaine. There's little evidence that these products are effective. In some cases, they may even irritate the skin.
  • Leave blisters intact. If blisters form, don't break them. You'll only slow the healing process and increase the risk of infection. If needed, lightly cover blisters with gauze.
  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever. If needed, take anti-inflammatory medication — such as aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) — according to the label instructions until redness and soreness subside. Don't give children or teenagers aspirin. It may cause Reye's syndrome, a rare but potentially fatal disease.
  • Treat peeling skin gently. Within a few days, the affected area may begin to peel. This is simply your body's way of getting rid of the top layer of damaged skin. While your skin is peeling, continue to use moisturizing cream.

To prevent future episodes of sunburn, use sunscreen frequently and liberally. Common sense counts, too. Cover up while you're outdoors, and stay in the shade as much as possible.


Sunday 6 September 2009

Natural Treatment For Low Sex Desire In Women

Low libido in women is something we do not hear often but this problem is very common in women specially aging women. The basic truth is that when women mature they start to loose interest in sex which is a major cause for problems in a relationship. If you are one of these women there is help available for you. You can opt for medical attention or try natural ways to enhance your libido and bring back your passionate old days of intimate sex.

Different Thinking About Sex
There is a big difference in how men and women approach sex. While for men sex is more about enjoyment and physical intimacy. For women its all about emotional bonding and if there is some kind of problem going on in a relationship and an emotional gap has creped in, it will become very difficult for her to get aroused and enjoy sex with the same intensity with which she used to cherish it. So in natural form of treatment the first and foremost step is always to find out the root cause of the problem and if the problem is of emotional nature try to sort things out so that you both of you get connected again both off and on the bed.

How a Proper Diet Can Help
Foods that are rich in sugar and fat contribute greatly to low libido problem. So start avoiding such foods and start having food which is rich in vitamins, proteins and have low fat content. Eat home cooked food as often as possible and start having fresh fruits and vegetables. These simple dietary changes will improve your overall health and will also improve your performance in bed.

Sexual dysfunction in women can have a dramatic impact on both the partners. But if you follow these simple steps you will easily come out of it and start enjoying the company of each other all over again.


Friday 4 September 2009

Fight Aging With Oregon Grape

Oregon grape is an evergreen shrub that is related to the barberry plant. The Oregon grape is not closely related to grapes, but it gets its name from the purple clusters of berries. The color and slightly duster appearance is similar to that of grapes. Often, it is referred to as the "tall Oregon grape" in order to distinguish it from the "creeping Oregon grape" and "dwarf Oregon grape." The Oregon grape grows approximately one to five meters tall. It has leathery leaves that resemble holly and stems and twigs that have a thick, corky appearance. The flowers, which grow in late spring, are a bright yellow color. This plant is often used in landscaping similarly to barberry. The plant is suited for low-maintenance plantings and loose hedges. This plant is resistant to summer drought, tolerates poor soils, and does not create excessive leaf litter. The berries of the Oregon grape attract birds.

The purplish-black fruits found on the Oregon grape plant are quite tart and contain large seeds. Sometimes, they are used locally and mixed with Salal to make jelly. The fruit is bitter and generally not eaten unless it is sweetened first. The leaves of the Oregon grape are holly-like and resist wilting. For this reason, the foliage is often used by florists for greenery. Additionally, the inner bark of the larger stems and roots yield a yellow dye.

The Oregon grape plant grows natively on the North American west coast from British Columbia to northern California. It is also the state flower of Oregon. In some areas outside of its native range, this plant has been classified as an invasive exotic species that may displace native vegetation. Oregon grape tonics were first introduced as a medicinal remedy in the late nineteenth century. The herb was marketed as a blood purifier.

Oregon grape is well known for the treatment of skin diseases that are caused by toxins in the blood. This is because it stimulates the action of the liver. It is also one of the best blood cleansers. This herb is also mildly stimulates thyroid function. This herb aids in the assimilation of nutrients, promotes digestions, and is a tonic for all glands. The rhizome and root of the Oregon grape plant are used to provide alterative, antiseptic, blood purifier, cholagogue, hepatic, nephritis, nutritive, and mild purgative properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are copper, manganese, silicon, sodium, vitamin C, and zinc. Primarily, Oregon grape is extremely beneficial in treating acne, blood conditions, blood impurities, eczema, jaundice, liver disorders, psoriasis, and staph infections. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with rheumatoid arthritis, bronchitis, chronic constipation, hepatitis, herpes, intestinal problems, kidney problems, leucorrhea, lymphatic problems, rheumatism, lack of strength, syphilis, uterine problems, and vaginitis.

In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by Oregon grape, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.