Wednesday, 20 May 2009

The Perfect At-home Yoga Workout for the Stay-at-home Mom

To be able to stay physically and mentally fit, one of the advisable steps in doing so is to do some yoga exercises. Yoga exercises target both the physical and mental well-being of an individual. As you do the exercise, you are relaxing your inner being as well.

It is best and highly advisable to do these exercises first thing in the morning. At the end of the session, you would surely be able to feel rejuvenated and ready to face any challenges that would come your way.

Stay-at-home moms would usually be stuck in a daily routine of taking care of the kids, doing the laundry, cooking, groceries, cleaning the house, and many more. It is usually the back and the shoulder part that would be aching at the end of the day. However, with the yoga exercises, you would surely be able to feel the relief of tension as you start the yoga exercises.

What you need to het started

Here are the things you would need to perform yoga exercises.

1) A yoga mat, or any mat that you can lie on your back comfortably
2) A bottle of water
3) A ball (if you have one)
4) A chair
5) Pile of books
6) Face towel

Tips You'll Need in a Yoga Session

Before you do the exercise, you must have the warm up stretches so as to avoid straining your muscles. Do the basic head to toe exercises as a warm up exercise just to get things going.

Always remember as well that in doing yoga exercises, you are supposed to be in tune with your body. You have to feel the breathing in and out of your body. You must be relaxed at all times.

To Begin the Exercise

Yoga exercises would then start with the breathing in and out technique. Holding your breath for a few seconds and then releasing it in the process. As you begin the exercise, you can just lie down on your back and just relax. Stretching your arms and legs would surely do wonders for you. Stretching your arms would relax your forearms and shoulder blades. Curling into a ball will release the strain in your back muscles. Your legs would feel relaxed and rejuvenated as you bring them close to your chin one by one. As you do these exercises, don't forget the breathing technique that you have to follow in the process.

Be Creative

If your child has a large ball around, you can lie on it and arch your back using the ball as your balance. Feel every muscle of your body as you do these exercises. You can also use a chair as well in doing these exercises. Using it as a balance, you can stretch your back muscles. Make sure you have no back problems before you do these. Yoga exercises are not meant to be strenuous exercises. Always remember to relax from time to time.

Yoga exercises should be relaxing and at the same time a fun experience for you. That way, you will always enjoy them and look forward to making time to do these exercises.


Anonymous said...

Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois, the founder of Ashtanga yoga, passed away Monday at age 93.

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