Thursday, 7 May 2009

Threelac Candida Defense - How To Treat Candida

Yeast infections can be a nightmare. What causes them? Yeast is found naturally in the body. In this form, it is beneficial. However, if your immune system
is weak or the pH balance is off this natural yeast can multiply and turn into a fungal infection. It is estimated that 75 percent of all women have suffered from a yeast infection at least once in their lives.

How can you get rid of a yeast infection safely?

There are over the counter products that can cure yeast infections and even prevent them. Products like Threelac Candida Defense can help. It contains three forms of lactic acid bacteria microorganisms that eliminate the overgrowth of bacteria. Three Lack Candida Defense can also regulate the pH balance levels in your body to fight against future infections.

What are the symptoms of a yeast infection?

Symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection range from a white lumpy discharge resembling cottage cheese, vaginal itching, pain, burning and discomfort while urinating or during intercourse. Often symptoms tend to flare up just before a woman's period. Other infections like trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis can have similar symptoms.

How can you prevent yeast infections?

Doctors recommend wearing breathable materials such as cotton for undergarments and no matter what the style, avoid jeans that are too tight. Products like Threelac Candida Defense can maintain the level of bacteria in your body to avoid overgrowth and infection.

What can you take to cure the infection quickly and how long does it take to get relief?

Threelac Candida Defense comes in packets of lemon flavoured powder. Once a day you pour a packet on your tongue and drink with a glass of water. It is recommended that you take it with food to assist in delivering it to your small intestines. Some have indicated immediate results, other cases may take up to two weeks to cure.

The days of suffering while waiting to get into the doctor and waiting to fill a prescription are over. With so many people over using antibiotics, our bodies build up an immunity and infections get harder and harder to treat. With a product like Threelac Candida Defense, you can get immediate relief, maintain bacteria in the body and completely protect yourself from future yeast infections. It couldn't get easier!


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