Tuesday 23 June 2009

Steal Beyonce's Lemon Cayenne Pepper Diet Recipe - Master Cleanse Hollywood-Style

One of the things that continues to amaze me about celebrities is their ability to quickly lose weight depending on the demands of the movie they happen to be working on. Have you ever wondered how they manage lose weight so fast? Given, they have all the resources needed to shed any amount of excess pounds with personal trainers and specialized diets, but the speed at which such noticeable weight loss is achieved is truly remarkable.

One celebrity diet that has been getting a lot of press lately is the Lemon Cayenne Pepper Diet which Beyonce used to quickly drop 20 pounds for her role in the movie Dream Girls. Before we get into how she did it and how you can do the same, what is the Lemon Cayenne Pepper Diet and where did it come from? Later, I will reveal a simple method that you can use to achieve better results than Beyonce. Read on...

This may come as a surprise to some but thousands of people around the globe have been been using this diet for years. The Lemon Cayenne Pepper Diet, also known as Master Cleanse, is a short-term dieting program created by Stanley Burroughs in 1941. It lasts anywhere from 10 to 40 days where the dieter starts the day off with a salt-water flush and a mild laxative tea. Pure water and peppermint tea are the only other beverages/food allowed. That's it!

Here are the ingredients of the Lemon Cayenne Pepper Diet:

-Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice
-Purified, Non-Fluoridated Water
-Grade-B Organic Maple Syrup
-Powdered Cayenne Pepper

How to Prepare it For Maximum Effect

Always use fresh ingredients when using this and other recipes. If your intention is to detox and purify your body, than it makes sense to start out with organic, pure, ingredients. Go out and buy Purified, Non-Fluoridated Water as regular tap water contains too many chemicals to name here. Also, Grade-B organic maple syrup is used for this recipe, not the "Aunt Jemima" kind. Once you have everything together start the cleanse and be sure to drink 6-12 servings a day for you to se any results.

Although people like Beyonce have had success with this colon cleanse diet, it is not as easy and simple as it sounds. It takes serious discipline and dedication to pull this off. For a faster and easier way to fully detox and boost your energy levels while dropping inches off your waist, consider using a natural colon cleanse supplement.


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