Thursday, 16 July 2009

Ultrasound 4D scans makes pregnancy more pleasurable

Ultrasound 4D scans is the latest form of ultrasound scans doctors use to find out more about babies in wombs. 4D is basically shorthand for ‘four-dimensional’ where the fourth dimension here is time. Basically what happens in a 4D scan is that the element of time is added to a three dimensional ultrasound image. The result is a live action image of the unborn baby and even of internal anatomy.

The advantage of 4D imaging over 3d imaging is that the doctor can visualize internal anatomy in real time. Examples of the type of 4D images are using movement patterns of the fetuses to learn more about the baby’s development.

It also leads to an increase in the accuracy of ultrasound guided biopsies because needle movements are visible in real time in all 3 dimensions. Physicians and sonographers benefit the most from 4D scans as they can use it to detect and thus treat various issues like genetic syndromes and vascular anomalies.

No risks involved

There are basically no risks involved in using either 3D or 4D ultrasound. This is because the technology used here is similar to that of radar. The scan is taken by placing a probe on the body which emits sound waves into the body. It is based on the return echo that an image is finally generated.

Though 4D ultrasounds use a different technology to get the scan, the time spent for generating a scan is not longer than the time spent for a traditional scan. Sometimes, 4D ultrasound images have a golden hue on them. This does not have any effect on the image; it is only because the golden hue is pleasing to the eye it is used to show shadows and highlights in the scan.

Factors that affect a 4D scan

It is not possible to exactly state how long a 4D ultrasound scan exam lasts. However there are a few factors to be considered like the position of the womb, the amount of amniotic fluid in the womb and the size of the mother and the baby.

The more fluid there is, and the larger is the frame of the mother, the clearer and faster a scan is. If the baby is grown big or the mother’s frame is too small, then the scan may not be that clear as expected. Whatever the case, a typical exam takes about 30 to fifty minutes.

Applications of 4D scans

There are various applications for 4D ultrasound besides giving pretty baby pictures. It is used for breast imaging, general imaging and interventional urology. Moreover, like any traditional scan, ultrasound 4D scans can be used for determining the fetal age, structural problems with the uterus, fetal abnormalities, abnormal bleeding, placental abnormalities, ovarian tumor and fibroids and ectopic pregnancy or any other abnormalities of pregnancy.

It is also beneficial in analyzing fetal development, for locating placenta and in evaluating multiple and high risk pregnancies. 4D scans also create a specific bonding between mother and baby, with lifelike images of the baby. This makes pregnancy a much more beautiful experience to the mother.


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